Frequently Asked Questions

Check-in time is at 10AM, and check-out is at 4PM. Earlier check-ins and later check-outs are available upon request, subject to availability.
We do not provide toiletries, but fresh linens are provided for guests.
We do provide hand towels and tea towels, bath towels are available on request.
Yes, complimentary Wi-Fi is available, and it’s known for its fast speed.
Yes, we allow well-behaved dogs in our properties.
  • Our rental properties come equipped with a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable stay for our guests. These amenities typically include:
    • Fully equipped kitchens with appliances (such as stove, refrigerator, microwave, etc.)
    • Laundry facilities (washing machine, tumble dryer)
    • Complimentary coffee and tea
    • Smart TVs with all channels, guests can also log in to their Netflix & Amazon Prime accounts
    • High-speed Wi-Fi
    • Some specific amenities may vary by property, so please refer to the property listing or inquire with our team for more details.

Yes, cleaning services are available upon request.

Parking is available nearby with pay and display options from Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and free parking after. For longer stays, there is a carpark just 2 minutes away.
A full refund is available for cancellations made up to 14 days before arrival.
No, our properties are not wheelchair accessible.
Yes, quiet hours are enforced after 10:00 PM, and noise monitors are installed in the properties to ensure a peaceful environment for all guests.
  • We accept the following payment methods: 
  • Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and debit cards that can be processed as credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal
Yes, we offer long-term rentals and discounts for extended stays. Please contact us directly to discuss long-term rental options and special rates.
No, smoking is not allowed in our properties.
If there are any issues with your stay, you can access our Guest Support Team which is available 24/7
  • Of course! Here are some taxi companies you could consider:
  • Beverley Westholme Cars – 01482 888999
  • Drive Private Hire and Taxis – 01482 858585
  • Nas Taxis – 07462 366488