Beverley Minster: An Architectural Marvel and the Legends Within

Beverley Minster, one of the most stunning examples of Gothic architecture in the United Kingdom, is a treasure trove of history, art, and legend. Situated in the charming market town of Beverley in East Yorkshire, this magnificent church not only showcases architectural brilliance but also holds stories of notable figures and intriguing legends. Let’s explore the grandeur of Beverley Minster and the fascinating tales that add to its allure.

A Masterpiece of Gothic Architecture

Beverley Minster is renowned for its Gothic architecture, which dates back to the early 13th century. The current structure, built over an earlier church founded by Saint John of Beverley, took more than 200 years to complete, with construction spanning from 1220 to 1425. The result is a breathtaking edifice that stands as a testament to the craftsmanship and vision of medieval builders.

The Exterior: Majestic and Imposing

The exterior of Beverley Minster is a sight to behold. Its twin towers, which dominate the skyline, are a defining feature. These towers were completed in the late 14th century and are adorned with intricate carvings and statues. The west front, with its large rose window and detailed sculptures, is particularly impressive, reflecting the grandeur of Gothic design.

One of the most striking aspects of the Minster’s exterior is the west doorway, which features an array of statues depicting biblical figures and saints. These sculptures not only serve a decorative purpose but also tell religious stories to those who enter. The detailed stonework, from the gargoyles to the buttresses, showcases the meticulous craftsmanship that went into constructing this architectural marvel.

The Interior: A Feast for the Eyes

Stepping inside Beverley Minster, visitors are greeted by an awe-inspiring interior that combines beauty with a sense of tranquillity. The soaring vaulted ceilings, supported by elegant pillars, create a sense of space and light. The nave, with its stunning arches and intricate stone carvings, is a testament to the skill of medieval craftsmen.

One of the highlights of the interior is the choir, which is adorned with exquisite woodwork and beautifully carved misericords. These misericords, dating back to the 14th century, feature a variety of scenes, including mythical creatures, biblical tales, and everyday life. Each carving is a work of art, offering a glimpse into the creativity and humour of the craftsmen.

The Minster’s stained glass windows are another standout feature. The Great East Window, installed in the 15th century, is particularly noteworthy. This magnificent window depicts scenes from the life of Christ and the Last Judgement, flooding the interior with colourful light. The windows throughout the Minster not only add to its beauty but also serve as visual stories of faith and devotion.

Saint John of Beverley: The Founder

At the heart of Beverley Minster’s history is Saint John of Beverley, the founder of the original church on this site. Born around 640 AD, Saint John was a bishop of Hexham and later of York. Renowned for his piety and scholarship, he retired to Beverley, where he founded a monastery and church in the early 8th century.

Saint John’s legacy is deeply intertwined with Beverley Minster. After his death in 721 AD, his tomb became a site of pilgrimage, and numerous miracles were attributed to his intercession. Pilgrims flocked to Beverley to seek healing and blessings, and the town grew in prominence as a result. The Minster’s crypt, which houses his relics, remains a place of reverence and reflection for visitors.

The Legends and Notable Figures

Beverley Minster is not only a place of architectural splendour but also a repository of fascinating legends and stories of notable figures.

The Percy Tomb

One of the most famous legends associated with Beverley Minster is the tale of the Percy Tomb. Located in the north aisle, the tomb is believed to be that of Lady Eleanor Percy, who died in 1337. According to legend, Lady Eleanor was buried alive, and visitors have reported hearing strange noises and seeing ghostly apparitions near the tomb. This eerie tale adds a layer of mystery to the Minster’s history.

The Pilgrimage of King Henry V

Beverley Minster also holds a special place in the history of King Henry V. Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, Henry V visited the Minster to seek the blessing of Saint John of Beverley. The king attributed his victory in the battle to the saint’s intercession, and in gratitude, he made significant donations to the Minster. This royal connection underscores the Minster’s importance as a site of spiritual and historical significance.

The Weighton Angel

Another intriguing legend is that of the Weighton Angel. This angelic figure is carved into one of the Minster’s wooden stalls and is said to be the guardian of the town. According to local folklore, the angel’s expression changes to reflect the fate of the town. When Beverley is in danger, the angel is said to frown, but when all is well, it smiles. This whimsical legend adds a touch of enchantment to the Minster’s already rich tapestry of stories.

The Role of Beverley Minster in the Community

Beyond its architectural and historical significance, Beverley Minster plays a vital role in the local community. It serves as a place of worship, a venue for cultural events, and a focal point for community gatherings.

Religious Services

Beverley Minster continues to be an active place of worship, holding regular services, including daily prayers, Sunday services, and special ceremonies. The Minster’s choir, known for its exceptional music, enhances the spiritual experience with beautiful choral performances. The rich traditions of worship and music that have been part of the Minster’s history for centuries continue to thrive today.

Cultural Events and Education

The Minster also hosts a variety of cultural events, including concerts, exhibitions, and lectures. These events draw visitors from near and far, contributing to Beverley’s vibrant cultural scene. Additionally, the Minster offers educational programmes and tours, providing an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about its history, architecture, and significance.

Community Engagement

Beverley Minster is deeply embedded in the local community, supporting various outreach programmes and charitable initiatives. From food banks to community support groups, the Minster plays an active role in addressing the needs of the community. Its welcoming atmosphere and commitment to service make it a cornerstone of life in Beverley.


Beverley Minster stands as a testament to the ingenuity and devotion of those who built and preserved it. Its stunning Gothic architecture, combined with the rich history of Saint John of Beverley and the legends that have grown around it, make it a place of profound beauty and significance. Whether you are an architecture enthusiast, a history buff, or simply someone looking for a place of peace and inspiration, Beverley Minster offers a unique and enriching experience.

As you walk through its grand doors, gaze up at its soaring ceilings, and explore its many chapels and corners, you are not just stepping into a building; you are entering a living story that continues to unfold. Beverley Minster is more than just a church; it is a beacon of heritage, faith, and community spirit, inviting all who visit to share in its remarkable journey.